Educators, Environments & Learning Frameworks .

Our educators at Kidzplay are not only enthusiastic, caring, and qualified, but they are passionate about your child and the importance of play in the early years of life.



Safe, warm and stimulating spaces will provide optimal learning environments for children to flourish and grow in their own unique ways.

It is in these spaces that exciting, age-appropriate exploration will be carried out, based around your children’s interests and capabilities. These experiences will be coupled with the Early Years Learning Framework and Queensland Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines to ensure first class educational practices.

The Early Years Learning Framework describes childhood as a time of belonging, being and becoming. Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life.

Children feel they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture, and place. Being is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just 'be'-time to play, try new things and have fun. Becoming is about the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their sense of identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adult they will become.

The Queensland Kindergarten Learning guidelines provide specific advice to support kindergarten teachers to strengthen children's sense of belonging, being and becoming as they:

  • make deliberate and well-informed decisions to promote and enrich children's holistic learning and development

  • build respectful relationships with family, community and professional partners

  • promote children's wellbeing, and ongoing learning progress

  • interact with children, with a clear learning focus to promote learning

  • support children with additional needs

  • effectively monitor and assess children's learning, and communicate appropriately with relevant partners about children's progress

  • build connections between children's prior, current and future learning experiences to promote continuity of learning.

All educators will hold or be studying towards a Cert III, Diploma, or higher qualification. A teacher with a Bachelor’s degree and Early Childhood major qualification will be running a fully accredited Kindergarten funded program.

Both my children have attended at Kidzplay from the age of 4 months old, for 5 days a week. My daughter graduated from Senior Kindy at Kidzplay and my son is about to enter Senior Kindy next year. I have always found the staff incredibly caring and my children love going. There are always lots of fun activities and the hours make it easy for me, as a working parent, to manage the commitment. They eat better than I do! – and the kids often come home and ask me if I can make things they have had a daycare. It’s so convenient just to walk out the door in the morning with a water bottle, and not have to pack lunches. My kids have learned so much and thrived at daycare – and the teachers even basically potty trained the kids for me. I would definitely recommend Kidzplay to anyone, especially working parents. It gives such peace of mind to know your children are happy, safe and well cared for whilst you are at work
— Suzanne Brown
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Early Years Learning Framework

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QLD Kindergarten Learning Guideline